Staffordshire is at last consulting on a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) to close Swan and Limer Rakes to motor vehicles. Please support the TRO by emailing by 7 February and quoting reference HoCPS/TM/TR34/23.
Details of the TRO are at TR34/23 Swan Rake and Limers Rake, Hollinsclough. – Staffordshire County Council
The Rakes have been closed to all users for several years because off-roader damage made them dangerous. Staffordshire has now repaired them and wants to close them motor vehicles.
The grounds for the TRO are that the Rakes are inherently unsuitable for use with motor vehicles and that they should be preserved for use by walkers, horse riders and cyclists.
You can see here the scale of the damage done in the past by motor vehicles.